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  1. Слава разработчикам за античит
  2. При попытке входа На сервер начинается авторизация и после этого сразу выкидывает с севера пробывал переустанавливать и очищал кэш
  3. А сам багоюзерством занимается что тоже наказуемо
  4. БЕЖАЛ ПО Дороге и умер за секунду от читера за 50метров! Его до сих пор не банят
  5. I was banned by mistake, I was standing in my database and turned on and off the lights, I was kicked from the server for Cheats and when I tried to re-visit, this message is displayed to me ask you to unban my account because I spent a lot of time and effort to study the base construction rifle . If you spoil my statement and unban me , I will be very grateful . And yes, I ask you to keep a closer eye on Cheaters with the so-called aimkill My name in the game:ГоловачЛена my ID:I can't view my ID because I can't log in to a banned account I played in to 14EU#server
  6. Pls banned player he him ID:94A91739E311A1BD IMG_1337.MOV
  7. When will I get an answer
  8. I was banned by mistake, I was standing in my database and turned on and off the lights, I was kicked from the server for Cheats and when I tried to re-visit, this message is displayed to me ask you to unban my account because I spent a lot of time and effort to study the base construction rifle . If you spoil my statement and unban me , I will be very grateful . And yes, I ask you to keep a closer eye on Cheaters with the so-called aimkill My name in the game:ГоловачЛена my ID:I can't view my ID because I can't log in to a banned account I played in to 14EU#server
  9. I was banned by mistake, I was standing in my database and turned on and off the lights, I was kicked from the server for Cheats and when I tried to re-visit, this message is displayed to me ask you to unban my account because I spent a lot of time and effort to study the base construction rifle . If you spoil my statement and unban me , I will be very grateful . And yes, I ask you to keep a closer eye on Cheaters with the so-called aimkill My name in the game:ГоловачЛена my ID:I can't view my ID because I can't log in to a banned account I played in to 14EU#server
  10. Человек под ником broher подбегает и говорит где я нахожусь в своём закрытом доме и когда я выходу на улицу меня зажимают с автомата за 70метров все пули в голову прошу проследить за действиями данного игркоа