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Posts posted by IllWIll
I cannot express my opinion on the internet about cheating, and creating cheats.
Might end up in jail over it ?
I can tell you that the little bastards are on youtube selling it.
Sorry folks, been working a lot lately. Gotta make the ching ching.
Im waiting for the new update whenever it is. Im sure it will be great.
Ez going group must speak english.
no cheating
Team Work required (occasional farming/role assignment)
No polotics/Racism in chat or discord.
Once Per Day Log In
Discord Mandatory
Plans for future squad play ( serious tactics and strategy) for mature dedicated players.
Plans for casual players living quarters and furnaces.
Reply to this thread for interview.
On 2/24/2023 at 6:10 PM, A.J said:Can I team
Hows your day going?
On 3/1/2023 at 6:42 AM, Catsbit.Care said:Hi there,
How do you want it to look?
What ever is quick and easy for you. Thanks!
Quick and easy to use ? please and thanks.
Can we have a forum tab for clan recruiting?
Also any english speaking players want to team? Reply here.
I play often when not working.
Was in my base so dont know who. Official 6.
Kid has a rapid eco raid hack.
You can open items behind an armored door from the very bottom of the door ?
On 2/12/2023 at 9:16 AM, BONKEY 2.0 said:Hey catsbit I had a idea and I saw that u will not be adding sleeper and I think that is great cause it will prevent lag but for us pvpers we we get very annoyed when we use 30-50 bullets and a full metal player for them to dc and not come back on its a waste of time so I was thinking you could add a 10 second cool down for disconnecting like when u click pause and then click disconnect u have to wait 10 seconds so that we have time to finish them of instead of wasting ammo on someone who's gonna dc it would make pvp way better and less annoying I'm sure another of people will agree let me know what yall think about this and please consider thanks guys
If hacking was not out of control, i would agrea with a timer.
But when Mr ESP follows you accross the map, knows exactly where your tc is, and can instant kill you, or misses zero shots... the only thing a legit player can do is DC.
Taking DC away before the hacking is dealt with, will only assist the hackers... and hurt legit players...
Until hacking, esp harrassment, high bullet damage, aim assist, big head mode etc are dealt with, i sincerely hope you dont add pvp timer... it is the only current defense against hacking.
Adding pvp timer will make sure the hacker gets his kill.
Same thing with raid timer.
what we need are things and additions that help legit players against the hackers.
Like give us ladders, so even legit players can get to a roof, or give us spikes on walls, or spikes we can put on our roofs.
Making every gun have a laser that shows exaxtly where you are pounting will also help with video evidence to show hacking.
The people complaining about DC etc... are likely the ones who arw using third party programs anyway, and dont want their advantage taken away.
The best advice any dev should take
PLAY YOUR GAME as tho you where a customer.
Found a bug u dont want me to make public. How to post without telling everyone and it being a problem?
Also r rumor of wipe this month true? Is there a wipe schedual?
Im giving your game a break until we get spikes on high walls, or the hacking problem is under control. I honestly regret making purchases, cause I cannot even use heli without getting dc when i try to exit heli, and buggy. I hope you do something... anything... soon
Unloaded about 150 rounds into him, he stopped moving, i put two rifle shots in his head and he didnt die. He then disapeared, but apparently did not dc because he was still on the player list close to the top.
Was in full armor, but still...
Once again cannot so much as log onto a server without being harrassed the moment I log on by spider man.
No idea eho it is because i cannot leave the base, not even in my compound...
Screw reporting and nothing ever getting solved or banned...
Give me the ability to change or hide my name and online status. And put damaging spikes onto the tops of high walls. Or give us barbed wire for our roofs... anti cheat will never... ever... work. Give us tools and building options in game to counter these hacks.
1 hour ago, ::: said:Just use a different device, also, sleepers would be very hard to implement cause some people have to just leave cause they don’t have a base, so before a GOOD solution can be found, sorry for your inconveniences.
See last comment about glitch
Not inconvenient. Just wondering if possible. I dont have a second 1000 dollar phone lol.
I did find a glitch today that i dont want to publicly tell everyone. How to post without everyone knowing??
If its allowed, id like to not be at a disadvantage to the other players and be able to do so as well.
It doesnt seem like there is a way for even a family member to use the same phone and play their account.
It also kind of defeats the purpose of the game. Ive started raiding more lately having finally come up with a base defense that works longer then 1 day as a solo, and the loot has been terrible lol. I assume they log off with it.
Just want to confirm 100% there is no way to change a name in game or log in with an alt....
Once again being harrassed every time I come online, because they can see me both in the online list... and with esp at a distance...
Please... let us change our names...
in Suggestions
Update on update?