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Everything posted by clone

  1. clone


    Add a option , where we can gift a sleeping bag to any person in the server or any friend which is the same server .
  2. clone


    Dev pls bring a new update ( if it's just some bug fix it's ok ) now cheaters are increasing day by day i and my team uncounted wall hacker today .If you bring update it's will be impossible to bring new hacks .I hope you will get .If you keep updating the game , it will be hard to hack the game .
  3. clone

    Crash after ad

    For me its frequent
  4. clone

    Crash after ad

    It's been 1 weak I am facing this bug ?
  5. clone

    Chat glitch

    Many times and device Poco F1
  6. clone


    Pls improve controls and PvP
  7. I am placing these problem too .pls fix this
  8. @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev please give us some response
  9. clone

    Server Asia

  10. clone

    Server Asia

    @Catsbit.Care please add Asia servers it's very hard to play in EU and US servers .
  11. clone

    New skins

    I want POKIMANE skins ? in-game like rust
  12. clone

    Abouts doors

    How can I remove the door to replace a stronger one ?
  13. I can't scroll the list 20211226-1_720p.mp4
  14. clone

    Server issue

    As soon as , add end for a sec glitchy screen occurs and i return to main memu as shown in video @Catsbit.Care
  15. clone

    Server issue

    Man I can't enter into the server 20211226_720p.mp4
  16. clone


    Make a separate option in settings for automatic door close .like { auto door close On / OFF }
  17. clone


    Take some serious action against hackers ? It's is so depressing .
  18. clone


    What was this @Catsbit.Care ?