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  1. How to Transfer IOS account to Android?please i need to Transfer Level and item i brought on shop
  2. hacker antidithe server prime eu 55 id:B491402B73062803
  3. ID:EA9FFF09680F42E6 NAME:(DL) Ledi server:us# banealo plis
  4. hacker server prime hack VIP ID F51FB0F2D5DEE55A
  5. Дорогие разработчики, меня, как и большинство других игроков интересует, когда будет обновления! Дайте хоть какую-нибудь информацию.Например, обновления будет до нового года? или после? И скажите если обновления, еще не готово то хотя бы на сколько процентов онл готово.благодарю за внимание
  6. hacker server prime hack VIP ID F51FB0F2D5DEE55A
  7. hacker spider mod server : prime eu 55 id:9AE53AD275CDACAD
  8. hacker speed hack server :prime eu 55 id: ‏21C4F525EE97520C‏
  9. Fix this bug and why you ban people for using this bug
  10. Can you give us any hint when it will be opened and what its use will be!???
  11. Can you give us any hint when it will be opened and what its use will be!???
  13. Arda!?


    Здравствуйте, так как мной никто не интересуется, я верну всю купленную продукцию и не буду покупать вашу продукцию. Если вы мне поможете, я продолжу вкладывать деньги в игру. Пожалуйста, напишите ниже. позвольте мне рассказать вам мою проблему
  14. Hola creador, tengo una sugerencia que creo que estaría bien. Bueno mi sugerencia es que estaría bueno que implementaran un servidor prime de BR, para aquellos que se compran el prime y son de diferentes países habla hispana por ejemplo( españoles, brasileros) en ese caso estaria bien el servidor prime BR para tener un mejor rendimiento en el ping, para no llevar lag en los otros servidores de prime.
  15. İd:461E1EAA1C2AFF4C 94eu server Speed and aimkill cheater
  16. Can you give us any hint when it will be opened and what its use will be!???
  17. Speed hacker Server 94eu İd:62C16AA936A3EC89
  18. Winstoyn


    Будут ли разбанены забаненные аккаунты после обновления?
  19. Hi . I wnna say thank you for your efforts to make the game great for us . Ive noticed something i want to bring to light . These aim banns is a problem .. i myself have seen players with good aiming skills . Like seriously no hacks .. my friend is one . Hes a really good pvp aimer . He did not get banned but he knows 2 guys that got banned and the only killed hackers .. The thing is i noticed . Any noob player getting killed by good aimers runs to report .. and yes some do use hacks . But how will we tell the difference between the two . ? Maybe stick to banning if used speed hacks. Telekill . Spider wall crawl etc. But some1 reporting aimkill is just too risky .. banning legit players isnt cool . I dont know u are the clever ones .. . I myself is yraining my aiming . And i would just hate being reported for having a skill and mistaken with a hack and get banned .. i just thought to share . Overall i dont kill player only hackers and if some1 try to raid or kill me . But man hunting is not my thing . I avoid it because of this issue i noticed . I report hackers regularly and i must say i havent report in a week because i notice the getting lesser . And im staying alive longer now .. .. hope there is a solution to this aimkil hackers and good skilled aimers . Thanks in advance I really enjoy your game and soon will buy from it and a prime account I wish u all success . My regards Coconutz101