
Official #3 player ooof

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Unloaded about 150 rounds into him, he stopped moving, i put two rifle shots in his head and he didnt die. He then disapeared, but apparently did not dc because he was still on the player list close to the top.


Was in full armor, but still...

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Im giving your game a break until we get spikes on high walls, or the hacking problem is under control. I honestly regret making purchases, cause I cannot even use heli without getting dc when i try to exit heli, and buggy. I hope you do something... anything... soon

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If you're referring to our encounter in the desert while farming the other day then sorry pal you have to actually land your shots on me. Eventually yes I did dc and you had me at 13 hp when I logged back on. The fact that you went out of your way to report me is pretty funny. God mode is not a hack on oxide to my knowledge and I suggest you fix your connection issues 

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