Muhammad Arif


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Assalamualaikum. I have some suggestions for you in the game.

1. Enlarge the map

Add lots of woods, and more.


2. Building

Add garage doors, triangles, window glass,  Turrets, clan walls, shopping orders. Add also so we can build on water. And on sand or uneven ground.


3. Clan

Add clan mode so we can have one house without 2,3,4,5 doors for each. It made it difficult for us to create a clan base. And add green over the head if we are too out of sight.


4. Server

If possible, can you add an Asian server. That's because, some Asian players will lag when playing on US, EU servers. Ing too bad when we diservee US and UE.


5. Raid

If an attacker has launched a rocket into the wall of our house, can you make the crates, furnace, tc, anvil and others destroyed in the blink of an eye? If you want to make it crumble too, can you add a bag containing the contents of the crate, tc, anvil, furnace and others.


6. Button report

Add a button to report the player and a button about the mistakes he made to make it more enjoyable for you as a developer.


Maybe that's all I can say. I also represent other players who may be like -minded with me. Good luck. Assalamualaikum

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