
Basic Tips for Marketing on Facebook

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Facebook is a social network that is on everyone's lips. Its greatest virtue, virality, the possibility of being able to spread the message we want in a cheap and simple way. Here's how you can take advantage of these benefits. Thanks to Facebook you have a good opportunity to make your brand known, as long as we don't cross the Spam limit, bothering the rest of the users. These are some of the (free) ways to publicize our product, company or cause on Facebook. 1. Our user profile It is the area that we control the most; we may, for example, display our website address or information about our product. Our profile is a page that has a lot of traffic. Some users carry out a strategy of joining many groups or becoming friends with many users (customers, friends, suppliers, acquaintances and strangers). In this way, they manage to redirect many visits to their user profile.

But be careful, it is not advisable to cross the Spam limit. If you don't talk about your company, product, event, etc. no one else will! 2. Groups It is the easiest way to do viral marketing. It allows us to start creating a community around our brand. If we offer content that is interesting to the members of the group, they will encourage their friends to join the group, which will grow, and the viral marketing will start to work. The groups we belong to appear on our profile, so a lot of traffic is redirected to them. Groups have certain problems: – As the group grows there are usually problems sending  messages to its members (apparently, this problem happens when the group starts to have more than 1000-1500 subscribed users). – If the group becomes well known, it can become a target for spammers. –

It is not possible to add applications to the groups, for that, we have Pages. 3. Pages They are similar to groups but have some differences: – They can be customized more than groups. Add HTML or Flash, applications, etc. – They are more striking in user profiles. – There are no limits when sending messages to users. – Those who have become fans of a page cannot send invitations to their friends to join it. Users must see that their friend has become a fan of a page in their profile or mini feed, and add themselves. Some virality is lost.


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Edited by mahmud444
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