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Posts posted by boxi_singe

  1. Здравствуйте меня зовут bloxi_singe играю на 1 сервере играл я значит с другом sema_228 и взял винтовку с потронами а там оказалось что были бомжики я начал их убивать и они говорили что кинут на меня жб и на форум но я играл без читов я подходил со спины да я знаю что я крыса но я не понимаю они рубили деревья офкашили ломали камень железо и я их убивал а они сказалиHello my name is bloxi_singe play on 1 server played I mean with a friend sema_228 and took a rifle with potrons and there were a hundred were homeless and started killing them and they said that they would throw at me and on the forum but I played without cheats I approached from the back yes I know that I am a rat but I do not understand they cut down trees mined stone iron and sulfur and I killed them they said that cheat unban me please i don't cheat thanks for understanding. 

    что я играю с читами пожалуйста разбаньте

    Hello my name is bloxi_singe play on 1 server played I mean with a friend sema_228 and took a rifle with potrons and there were a hundred were homeless and started killing them and they said that they would throw at me and on the forum but I played without cheats I approached from the back yes I know that I am a rat but I do not understand they cut down trees mined stone iron and sulfur and I killed them they said that cheater 





  2. Здравствуйте я игрок bloxi_singe играю на 1 сервере BR 1 ник читака SANTY и скобки дальше не помню у нас по крыше бегает ещё и нас убивает разберитесь пжж