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Everything posted by ㅤㅤㅤ

  1. @Catsbit.games @Catsbit.Guard please check it
  2. @Catsbit.Guard please ban F23ED22ED7DFBB28 this guy is lvl 10 using Assault rifle to kill. He always change name when he kill. Level 10.
  3. @Catsbit.Guard Hello, what happened to my account? After hacker hacked the server, my level was returned to level 1, and i was almost reaching level 26. I hadn't played for a few days, and when I came back it had simply restarted! Please could you check it? C82708367942AZAD Thank you!
  4. Na verdade, até o level 20 está ótimo. Se vocês passam o dia todo jogando e farmando, o desenvolvedor provavelmente não tem obrigação de fazer isso. Fora que para chegar no level 25 é necessário cultivar cerca de 7,500 árvores, fazendo a missão a cada 1 hora. Até que o anti-cheat seja melhorado, creio que entre o lvl 18/25 ele deixará novos recursos assim
  5. @Catsbit.Guard please ban, he is in server US#2 killing everyone with AR
  6. Me chame no privado que te enviarei o vídeo.
  7. @Catsbit.Guard hello, i have paid all new skins at shop, but i can't change skin without need craft a new item. Please, make a bigorn system, that is possible to exchange skin, without necessary to craft a new itens to use it! And another bug is, we can't use coal in furnaces, only in Bonfires
  8. Yes, New wipe! Bring new stuffs, new guns, a more large map, new NPC's, sight's
  9. This is not cheater. You can instantly dc closing the game from bar panel. 😉
  10. This is not cheater. You can instantly dc closing the game from bar panel. 😉
  11. ㅤㅤㅤ

    Farm Hacker

    You should be banned too! Using Lebro Hacker
  12. ㅤㅤㅤ

    Farm Hacker

    You should be banned too, using Lebrohacker!!
  13. @Catsbit.Dev what happened? When anti-cheat will be applied?
  14. ㅤㅤㅤ

    New wipe

    @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Guard hello you, how are you going? I hope you are all fine, please read atention to this post. Because server was hacked, and all players lost theyr progression, i think its fine you make another wipe. But bring new upd with new stuffs, for that, will compensate what happened. Bring skin to all door, new weapons, new kind of foundations, new tools. I know you already have stuffs ready to publish, but bring it in choose to new wipe compesation. I hope you can read it. Thank you.
  15. ㅤㅤㅤ

    Wipe News

    @Catsbit.Care bring all door skin, and new guns bro pls
  16. ㅤㅤㅤ

    Wipe News

    Lol there are all prime players shooting infinite rockets
  17. ㅤㅤㅤ

    Wipe News

    Hahahahahaha niice
  18. @Catsbit.Guard hacker!!! Bana-o
  19. Hahahahahaha hacker @Catsbit.Guard bana-o
  20. Poderiam atualizar o jogo novamente e adicionar. Leva tanto tempo assim para poder adicionar uma skin? Eu só compraria se aplicassem em todos os modelos de porta.
  21. @Catsbit.Cuidados @Catsbit.Guard ban!
  22. Wait, u banned him only because he killed a naked player at night? Hahahahahahahahahaha
  23. @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Guard Acho que está na hora de vocês começarem a dar vazão para quem quer ajudar no seu projeto. Texturas feitas por jogadores, que ficaram 100% melhores que as originais do jogo.