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Loading server's

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Hello Catsbit, I go by the name Drakula 3000. I don't not use hacks for the simple reason of not wanting to start my game process over. My problem is,. I am unable to load servers. I can not join any of them any all. They just wont load. On my other accounts they work fine and on guest it works fine but only on my account is were the problem seems to occur. Ima a huge fan of the game. Please help if possible. Thank you in advance. 



ID: 5BF288DA50011F24

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I was able to resove this problem on my own. The reason for me not being able to load servers list. Is because I had to many friends. For some reason once you have so many friends the game will no longer let you load the servers list until you delete a few friends. I went ahead and deleted all of them and only added people I play with

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