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Почему меня забанили ?

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Hello dear developers, I am writing about the fact that I was banned for no reason. 

When I got kicked, I went back into the game and suddenly I was banned 

I've never played without cheats since I'm a YouTuber Kiwi oxide 

Please consider my request and unban my account and I will continue to promote your game Oxide survival island

I have 2900 subscribers on YouTube who are waiting for my return 

 I bought a copter buggy and a turret on my account and I was lvl 16 And I have video evidence 

id: 398B06A6FF29EB38 

name: cade and the

I'm waiting for my unlocking 

Good luck)

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8 минут назад, Киви сказал:

Hello dear developers, I am writing about the fact that I was banned for no reason. 

When I got kicked, I went back into the game and suddenly I was banned 

I've never played without cheats since I'm a YouTuber Kiwi oxide 

Please consider my request and unban my account and I will continue to promote your game Oxide survival island

I have 2900 subscribers on YouTube who are waiting for my return 

 I bought a copter buggy and a turret on my account and I was lvl 16 And I have video evidence 

id: 398B06A6FF29EB38 

name: cade and the

I'm waiting for my unlocking 

Good luck)


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1 час назад, gomeglu2829 сказал:

 А зачем тогда забанили

Не знаю , на форуме на меня жалоб нету и это скорее всего система в игре забанила

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