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  1. here's a video of them in a group killing me far away while moving. it has chize11.0 username on it while killing me. Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-06-20.mp4
  2. here's a video of them in a group killing me far away while moving. it has chize11.0 username on it while killing me. Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-06-20.mp4
  3. Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-25-20.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4 Oxide - Survival Island_2022-07-28-23-03-34.mp4
  4. my second report yet, ive come here to report 2 cheaters that are ruining the server US9, context is. my teammates were minding their business.. until these two showed up and tried killing them. danger and chize. they've tried to raid us, and now we're at war with them. currently my teammates are trying to hold them back. here are the clips, and most of all, their usernames. Kavik11, chize11.0, danger.02 please take notice of this ASAP and goodluck to the company.
  5. vzao

    some hacker

    @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.DevC J6. is his username
  6. vzao

    some hacker

    @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev
  7. vzao

    some hacker

    so this guy in us #8 is exploiting and apparently i died to a cliff, i just want to clear out that i am not mad that i died only disappointed that people that exploit are still on the game. an explanation, so basically me and my friend Achilles_45 was defeating my enemies which whom raided me when we were first in the server. we won and when we were about to go home, my friend got attacked by J6 and disconnected, i thought he was beatable so i tried. ive hit multiple shots on him and yet still hasn't died, the pictures clearly show him exploiting, except for the 2nd one which just shows his name, the story into the 3rd picture is just him speedhacking. i hope you can blacklist this person in every server permanently and more success to the company.