Yudi Muller Alves soare

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Everything posted by Yudi Muller Alves soare

  1. hi, in the Play Store images it shows military helicopters, various props inside a house, but unfortunately in the game it doesn't have that, just some props for home or outside and so on. I ask you to add new props, bladed weapons such as an ax, machete, knife and other type c. it could have better mechanics and more realistic, props like items like foods, they could be used to eat and regenerate life, or also the medical kit to recover from that instead of the player reappearing to return from full life. something else and new aerial vehicles, like jets, airplanes, military helicopters (which could have the function of not only flying but also firing heat-guided missiles and unguided rockets to kill players, and destroy vehicles on the ground, adding that going to report bugs not yet fixed in the game: #error 1: when I take a car or helicopter and drive it for 40 seconds I get stuck and I don't get out of it, if I reappear my HUD on the screen with the controls of the car or the helicopter, and the vehicle that is walking or flying is left with no one inside, and when I try to move the character the vehicle moves without anyone being inside it, and I get paralyzed controlled the vehicle without being inside it. good because this is what I hope you solve and do in the game, thank you.