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  1. i think the reason they Up the price is because the mods and developer are more than the Previous owner catsbit.
  2. titenatalon


    may i ask what's the official discord of oxide? Thanks!
  3. server doesn't automatically restarting
  4. Please restart server not automatically restarting
  5. Please add to the game when you dc you're character stays sleep. we're tired of people who dc when getting Raided. Thanks!
  6. server so lag ir doesn't automatically restart thanks!
  7. it doesn't automatically restart.
  8. https://youtu.be/o-TINo5B3ow?si=eS5Dd-vCo-nvf2w7
  9. red ping cant play we all have good internet but so lag restart the server please
  10. server so lag please restart
  11. please fix we can't play well so lag server not restarting
  12. please fix restart the server its not restarting we cant play well
  13. we can't play well ping is like Christmas tree
  14. banned by mistake
  15. we couldn't play well every minute 5 random player got kicked and it's so laggg