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  1. This player is very toxic, making many users uncomfortable. We also reported a long time ago but did not receive a response, here is evidence of spam. He was like that for like 15 minutes.
  2. Speed hack who was recently banned, and is now leveling up to use hacks again (ID:356E1ECC5731918D) @Catsbit.Guard
  3. Aimkill and speed hack Id: 899563AF73563139 Name: Бека xaxaxa @Catsbit.Guard https://youtu.be/ncmTprVkmXo?si=EmNK85sEwF-FgulS
  4. Name: Minidog2 (ID:363F62657021EE07) Tests in this video @Catsbit.Guard
  5. I see a hacker with fly, aimkill with shootgun crosses walls without kicking, and flies to the ceiling ID: C9093DF99C333D31, LVL 8 PLAYER
  6. Name: Xppxpp and [SNG]SMOKING
  7. I don't have videos to show but I just witnessed how Dái Ngån [1FD074D63B87213E (ID)] kill my friend with aimkill and speed. He is raising his account level since he was recently banned, currently level 10 [I would appreciate it if you respond to me when they ban it, thanks @Catsbit dev
  8. Rico

    Secret Bed?

    I know perfectly well, I'm just wondering how to get it or if it will come soon.
  9. Rico

    Secret Bed?

    What is that bed that appears next to the normal one but with a lock? can it be unlocked or will it come soon ?
  10. After the update the chat is with an error or I don't know if it will be because of my connection but, when I want to write a message it is not sent or I have to send a short message because if I send a long one it is not sent[ I WAIT AND THEY ANSWER ME WHY THIS IS VERY ANNOYING] @mordedura de gato luego de la actualizacion el chat esta con un error o no se si sera por mi conexion pero, cuando quiero escribir un mensaje no se manda o tengo que mandar un mensaje corto porque si mando uno largo no se manda[ ESPERO Y ME RESPONDAN PORQUE ESTO ES MUY MOLESTO @mordedura de gato
  11. Hacker en us 28, tiene aimbot y se lo encuentra en f-g7 porfavor banear y difundir ^^ [ID: CE6D78675E829902] // Hacker in us 28, has aimbot and is found in f-g7 please ban and spread ^^ ////// Хакер в нас 28, имеет аимбот и встречается в f-g7 просьба забанить и распространить ^^