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Everything posted by Artem222222

  1. Artem222222

    Help pls

    I have lvl 7 on my account, I studied up to the revolver, I log in an hour later and I see the game with 0 studies, please return it to me either studied and as a bug +1 lvl or well, how to solve this situation server 3us
  2. Ник:Artem222222 Сервер: 03us Причина: Я залез под фундамент и вишел из игри захожу через 10минут начинаю бежать и пишет что аккаунт заблокирован причина чити у меня на данный момент читов небило и не будет Очень сильно прошу вас розбанить я не читер @Catsbit.Care
  3. Yes I was banned and showed the message your account is blocked, the reason is a bug and cheating, and I just climbed under the foundation and poured, I ask you to unban
  4. Nick:Artem222222 Reason: I'm not a cheater, I was banned because I climbed under the Foundation and left the game IM NOT CHEATER SERVER :03 US