Oxide game player

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Everything posted by Oxide game player

  1. Hi I like Ur game but I reckon a few things will make it better #1 fences have damage from the spikes stop people from wall hacking my base 2 friends profile so U can see if there online or what type what game there in and aslo have a join there game button in the profiler #3 ip ban all hackers of the game #4 get better anti cheat system I keep getting kicked for no reason #5 more cheaper guns in work bench I keep dying to people trying to get large amounts of scrap #6 be able to fill up water bottles from sea and to craft water bottles #7 c4 should be added to he game and aslo turret for base to keep people out and away from Ur base #8 be able to add people in game from them sever #9 better sever I keep on getting this glitch we're I join and it's all blue but I have joined the game but I can't disconnect I have to exit the game thankow and I hope U take all my ideas into consideration Reagan_pro