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Everything posted by Rututttu

  1. Меня забанили я жду РАЗБАН целый день я просираю рание тайминги вайпа иза того что меня бан просто так я заходил в игру и забанили незачто
  2. I will show 2 photos and videos about the cheater, before that he killed only in the head, but when I said that I would shoot, I turned off the aim on 1 photo will be his ID on 2 how he was banned for cheating in the video how he kicks
  3. 31 eu please bann 10 lvl
  4. Будет ли убран лимит фпс так как при 60 кадрах неудобно
  5. Please ban 31 of these players
  6. Rututttu

    Vpn soft

    Hello developers, this player plays with cheats such as VPN cheats or klamsi This is when everyone stands still for you and you are not there for them, yes he has a high level but watch him 🙂 31 еу
  7. Rututttu


    As usual, 1 more cheater with a shotgun 31 eu developers please check my posts I always say the right thing about cheaters how many posts have I made of all the cheaters you banned please ban him
  8. Rututttu


    Cheater on 31, еу please ban him, he's been preventing everyone from playing for 2 days now
  9. Rututttu


    During a raid with a friend, he flew into our room on a speedhack and killed us 2 in 10 seconds please check him he is a cheater and bante he himself admits that he is a cheater 31 eu C09CF128873CB6F5
  10. This player plays either with cheats or with a VPN cheat because he doesn’t even aim, he shoots in the air and kills in 5 seconds with full iron armor he is lvl 12 please bante this is a cheater 31 eu D926973AD5CE04B6
  11. Rututttu


    Aim 31 ey hasker pls ban
  12. Cheater invisible please ban cheater he invisible kills everyone in the city 31 еу
  13. Please banned soft pleer
  14. Rututttu


    Aim bot to hasker 21 ey
  15. Rututttu


    Я захожу в сервак у меня очень хороший интернет поиграю 2 мин все зависает и выкидывает что делать?