Hi developer

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Hi developer last won the day on September 28 2023

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  1. Hi developer


    Could you add caves to steep mountains, like really steep mountains
  2. Found the ID:EB8430AAFFBA9375 he already finished raided but still on the server
  3. content://media/external/video/media/1000003576
  4. His name is free to pay I could not get his ID he is online right now on server US 1 I came back to my base to find him reading from the rooftop and he had no helicopter so he couldn't get on top
  5. I've been trying to get cat bit to do this for so long I hope you succeed
  6. Thank you for letting me know
  7. Hi developer


    I was barely able to understand this please give more context for other people
  8. Are you able to upgrade the stare variants I genuinely don't know😄😃😀
  9. 1. When will the friends tab be activated 2. Why was it deactivated
  10. Are there going to be discounts for 4th of July
  11. Like version of all the guns but it requires high quality metal instead of metal frats and a example is high quality shotgun and instead of hunting rifle it would be sniper assault, rifle would be MP4 and high quality version of revolver being something like pistol
  12. Hi developer


    Dude, that's even better than my idea
  13. Hi developer


    I'm glad to see the game improve their time piece by piece🤔🥲