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  1. "Hello Catsbit support team, I would like to bring to your attention that my account has been banned unfairly. The incident occurred when I was playing the game and decided to jump from a cliff. Suddenly, my game experienced lag issues, and shortly after, I found out that my account was banned. I strongly believe that this ban was unjust as I have not engaged in any cheating activities or violated any game rules. It seems that there may have been a misunderstanding or a technical glitch that resulted in this ban. I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter promptly. I urge you to review the circumstances surrounding my ban and reconsider the decision. Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could investigate the integrity of your anti-cheat system to prevent similar incidents from happening to other players in the future. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I hope for a swift resolution to restore my account access. Sincerely, My user name: [PHE]ASWANG
  2. "Hello Catsbit support team, I would like to bring to your attention that my account has been banned unfairly. The incident occurred when I was playing the game and decided to jump from a cliff. Suddenly, my game experienced lag issues, and shortly after, I found out that my account was banned. I strongly believe that this ban was unjust as I have not engaged in any cheating activities or violated any game rules. It seems that there may have been a misunderstanding or a technical glitch that resulted in this ban. I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter promptly. I urge you to review the circumstances surrounding my ban and reconsider the decision. Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could investigate the integrity of your anti-cheat system to prevent similar incidents from happening to other players in the future. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I hope for a swift resolution to restore my account access. Sincerely, My user name:[PHE]ASWANG
  3. Hi catsbit care my account was banned unfairl I jumped from a cliff and next thing I saw was my game lagged and I got bannedo So please fix ur anti cheat and unbaned my account
  4. Hey the same thing is happening to me that I was banned for no reason
  5. Plss unbanned my account I'm not a cheater but why am I banned? I will wait for your reply
  6. Plss unbanned my account I'm not a cheater but why am I banned? I will wait for your reply