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  1. Yes this one must of banned too many real hackers. A sin apparently in Oxide. I have a lvl15+ account already,but out of principle I must still fight this ban.
  2. I play on a Samsung S22 phone,for at least a year now.
  3. Whats that supposed to mean!? I record all my gameplay,I dont hack. I record and save any action that happens so please,Tell me what I am being accused of and I'll provide(here or on YouTube) my video footage.
  4. Your silence is damning,my video recordings await your accusation.
  5. Hackers run free on server right now,laughing about their hacks. Yet here I sit still banned,video proof I don't hack yet devs not interested. Sad day
  6. lol You mean the real farming before auto farm and Pve servers. Yes the good ol days. By the way Venomous,they banned Maximus account for hacking. Anyone that knows me knows I dont hack,but BHtrolls came to attack us for no reason and when we destroyed them they mass reported my account. I record my gameplay yet Oxide devs still don't unban me,must have friends in BHhacker clan,sad. When's RUST mobile coming out again....tick tock Oxide dead game very soon.
  7. Check out the vid below,maybe you'll see why I'm being targeted. Probably recognize the hackers in video same ones reporting me.
  8. Check out the vid below,maybe you'll see why I'm being targeted. Probably recognize the hackers in video same ones reporting me.
  9. You ban me for what exactly? I record my game play and Beallagaming posts most on YouTube. My clan is one of the biggest anti-hacker clans out there. I've recorded and reported probably over 100 hackers by now (most you failed to ban or deleted the report entirely) Ask me the event in question and I will provide my recorded gameplay. Thanks in advance MadMaximus ID: 3CD0903B72B1D5F9