Alee ♡

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Everything posted by Alee ♡

  1. Id: AC52C9CD6C991F9C That's my account because I have prime, I bought another one so they could give me prime and they didn't give it to me
  2. I play with 1 main one and I have 1 where I keep things. That's why I bought another one to store things in that account. But the prime never arrived. That's why I'm reporting here.
  3. I couldn't write, I didn't know how and they told me to report on the forum. I spoke to my bank but there was no response. I've been waiting for them to give me the prime but they don't give it to me
  4. I bought the prime a month ago and they didn't give it to me . GPA.3382-8647-1852-90819 ID: 9CB0B89E99BC4806