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  1. Player помощник soft 2lvl telekill fly/игрок помощник читер 69 eu
  2. здравствуйте уважаемые разработчики моей любимой игры, мой аккаунт с ником Gym MaGa DD находится в бане за читы, но с читами я не играл и не собираюсь, вы можете разбанить мой аккаунт пожалуйста, меня забанили когда я совершил убийство а у меня в это время интернет лагал и думали что я с читом но я никогда с ними не играл и не буду пожалуйста/hello dear developers of my favorite game, my account with the nickname Gym MaGa DD is in a ban for cheats, but I didn’t play with chitasi and I’m not going to, can you unban my account please I was banned when I made a murder and the Internet was lagging me at that time and they thought that I was with unban cheats please
  3. hello dear developers of my favorite game, my account with the nickname Gym MaGa DD is in a ban for cheats, but I didn’t play with chitasi and I’m not going to, can you unban my account please I was banned when I made a murder and the Internet was lagging me at that time and they thought that I was with unban cheats please
  4. hello dear developers of my favorite game, my account with the nickname Gym MaGa DD is in a ban for cheats, but I didn’t play with chitasi and I’m not going to, can you unban my account please I was banned when I made a murder and the Internet was lagging me at that time and they thought that I was with unban cheats please