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Everything posted by besssi.11

  1. Server 27us is fulllll of hacker I swear in this update and all other updates maybe I will not fucking play this game anymore I just got killed with 1450 scrap I won from cazino he was a hacer with pistol
  2. Yeah men we really need it.
  3. Add sleep mode Everyone goes dc with all their loot raiding isn't worth
  4. Server is DEAD please make something my big big base is only going to be up for 7H
  5. He got in my base I tried to kill him with my riffle but he killed me first his id is: F9E6FBECAE16DD12 Proof:
  6. This guy ruined my wipe all day long, I created a new accound and installed cheats just to record this guy, I have proof please reply me if you need to ban my hack accound the other hacker I'd is: FEFDDD134SCA73 He is level 15 and uses hack please ban him before he open rocket and raids me!
  7. He is hacker i have proof ID: B29E584D24130EDB