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  1. I joined a server to start a new journey, until it seemed like an auto-farm hack taking advantage of other players, Please Take Action. Id From the Player: 91899968C306936 Proof: https://youtu.be/lBeNf0Dunxo?si=QMeVSINydHkSC-a-
  2. Já que o jogo foi atualizado, haverá uma atualização de Natal que fará a limpeza? Ou vocês só vão colocar as coisas na loja com o tema natalino e não vai ocorrer a limpeza?
  3. Once Again I Found An Auto-Farm Hack Taking Advantage Of Fair Playing Players, Please Take Action. Player ID: C74DD74B0BFA86C7 Proof: https://youtu.be/o-KvCKG2v3U?si=SDRCbex-nu428pxF
  4. I Found This Guy At Lumberjack Cheating By Taking Advantage Over Players Who Play Fair! Please Take Action. Player ID: ADDD65F4C6D724BF Proof: https://youtu.be/TVIxRDyjjrs?si=tFPkECmnZoAwSyKD