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  1. the new administration probably swapped dicks for heads. instead of dealing with cheaters you fuck with some snowmen and parties. I was just attacked by cheaters who had rockets and c4. you don't consider reports that are recorded on video with evidence and id. it's because of your lack of competence cheaters got such opportunities.. the dog fucked you administration
  2. По-моему, у тебя выпал мужской половой орган и вместо того, чтобы бороться с читерами, ты выкладываешь на форумы фото со снеговиком.
  3. these are the next recorded cheaters. I hope you will do something with my reports instead of jerking off.
  4. @HH.Care you consider later applications without a film but you ignore mine. not cool
  5. me and my clan have been fighting cheaters for a long time. there are more and more cheaters. i was glad when you uploaded new anti-cheat software, unfortunately it doesn't work. i would say it's worse. today we were attacked by cheaters running on our roof teleporting to our characters. they had automatic killing turned on. i've seen many cheaters who went through windows even closed. but today for the first time my friends and i saw cheaters who went through steel walls... before you do anything deal with this matter, you have a big team instead of working on a holiday event put an end to cheaters once and for all. why can they fly? write software that will immediately kick a player who climbs vertically up from the server except for the area with ladders in the power plant. track players with automatic killing. you have to change your approach to cheating. often regular players log out under the floor or jump badly on the map and are thrown to the spawn. ok but if someone really flies and goes through walls and comes back in a moment anyway. you block cheaters who have been recorded but often it is not possible to record them and it is hard to have the recording running for a few hours. besides, the reaction to the recordings is delayed by a few days. a cheater gets a ban on one account that has an ID, he will quickly reach level 7 and have a second account to cheat. please make a ban on the IP of the device from which he connects. this will make cheating much more difficult. even if half of the players disappear from the server after eliminating the cheaters, the game will gain several times as many new players. please take my words seriously. PROVE: Cheater 1: [S7]SAKURA ID: FD35F8F211B07E8B Cheater 2: game bako ID: DB185E11BCC917A I will add evidence of the rest of the cheaters soon. and a video of their base being destroyed
  6. Zgłosiłem oszustów w prawej sekcji. Pytam, dlaczego nikt tego nie zrobił?
  7. let the admins add the ability to send private messages to friends when they are not on the server
  8. I'm glad you added cheat blocking software today. Unfortunately it doesn't work. In the chat today there was a message about a few cheaters with auto kill and I was also killed in a split second. If there are 19 of you why didn't anyone block the cheaters I recorded on YouTube?
  9. I'm glad you added cheat blocking software today. Unfortunately it doesn't work. In the chat today there was a message about a few cheaters with auto kill and I was also killed in a split second. If there are 19 of you why didn't anyone block the cheaters I recorded on YouTube?
  10. Cieszę się, że dodałeś dziś oprogramowanie do blokowania oszustw. Niestety nie działa. Na dzisiejszym czacie pojawiła się wiadomość o kilku oszustach z auto killem i ja również zostałem zabity w ułamku sekundy. Jeśli jest was 19, dlaczego nikt nie zablokował oszustów, których nagrałem na YouTube?
  11. Pvp and building servers is a very good idea. Largest box is very good. Others idea is stupid and problematics
  12. yesterday me and my friends were attacked by a Chinese cheater with aim kill, he was also running around our roof, today I recorded him using cheats, he killed me in steel armor with a revolver, even though I used 5 first aid kits while escaping ID: 7ED1CC97AC191A6F
  13. Hello HH. I have a suggestion that should help both you and the players. Since you have taken over a game that has been very successful, please do not introduce major changes right away, introduce them gradually. If something is acceptable in the form it is, it means it is good. I am afraid that you will start introducing many changes too quickly and the game I know will change 360 degrees. I ask you to be careful with game modifications and introduce them gradually and give players influence on serious changes in the game. Personally, I think that adding the option of scrap for ads can damage the game mechanics. Consider whether it would not be better for you from an economic point of view to earn money from the store and skins. Oxide survival island is unique in that in order to have anything, you have to get it yourself and I think that is the heart of this game. You can consider diversifying the servers and make several types with different settings. if these are new servers it will allow to assess how the changes have affected the opinions of the players. the only thing that is required yesterday is anti-cheat software I am glad that you will take care of it
  14. don't be so sure. he just started banning cheaters. thanks cats
  15. I don't know how long it will take to transfer the server but you are making a serious mistake by not considering reports of cheaters. Show respect to the players and continue banning cheaters.