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  1. cheater 40EU,ID:CD832D891DA82291,video in youtubehttps://youtu.be/YTStRcJ7WQk?si=G3fttWVAdF3xZc46,please bunning,lvl:19
  2. cheater 40EU, nickname: Okhmad, ID: B6553CD4BA64530E, proof posted on YouTube, link: https://youtu.be/FWPJ_Khprso?si=ejS8eR77p_IYVwa-, aim kill with a rifle, lvl 10
  3. I would like to contact the developers of okside, recently after hacking the game there is a high ping on the servers, when you throw out resources they drop for 10 seconds sometimes, ping 300, you can only play at night
  4. And one more request, when the anti-cheat will be turned on, and if I have evidence that he is a cheater, will I be able to ban his team?