Emo Johnny/Bones

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Posts posted by Emo Johnny/Bones

  1. I lost everything i worked for spawning under a map, so i changed servers....and the SAME THING happened ffs, i literally love this game but you fucking cant even play it, theres so many bugs for goodness sake. 

  2. Hi there. 

    I just logged on and i found myself under the map.

    I have a screenshot of my inventory while being under the map. 

    I can not get out unless I suicide, in which case I’d lose everything I have acquired.

    Im not going to suicide because I really cant lose what I have. 

    What do you suggest, or what can you do for me?

    I just feel if i start a new server or start it again, the same thing will happen..

    let me tell you something, there are people on the game yes but its next to unplayable with all the glitches and spawning under houses and under the map, and the amount of times im forced to suicide. 

    please reply 




  3. I cant believe you wasted time writing this.

    Its called “Surviving”. Part of surviving is making sure nobody else progresses. 

    If i see somebody mining or chopping a tree, I’ll kill them with the hopes they have a large inventory. 

    Just look around while youre chopping a tree for goodness sake. 

    what do you want the developers to do? ban somebody for killing you on a game which has guns? 

  4. Hi there. 

    I just logged on and i found myself under the map.

    I have a screenshot of my inventory while being under the map. 

    I can not get out unless I suicide, in which case I’d lose everything I have acquired.

    Im not going to suicide because I really cant lose what I have. 

    What do you suggest, or what can you do for me?





  5. Hey guys love the game. 

    The really bad thing about this game which i have seen in one week many people quit, because it is too easy to blow up a base even with three rockets no matter what the size. 

    People spend hours and hours harvesting resources and also we cannot use the lower floor due to the glitch in the floor, you can see inside peoples houses. 


    And also sleeping bags? you respawn under a house and then get stuck and youre forced to suicide and lose your inventory. 

    please make it harder to destroy bases because 2 days of harvesting and its gone with three rockets? literally 150 frag,ents and 300 sulfur which is not hard to do



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