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Posts posted by clone

  1. 9 hours ago, Nyacinth said:

    I've been having major issues with chat. Not because of the community (nothing you can do about that anyway), but instead, it seems to be that I cannot talk. There are once in a blue moon chances that I can, but for the most part, everytime I try, I basically don't see anything. The keyboard just disappears like it sent, but it never sent. It's really annoying now, because I'd like to interact with the community or at the very least, grab some Discords so I can communicate consistently.

    It  happens with me tooo 

  2. 4 hours ago, Nyacinth said:

    Cloth =/= Leather, cloth can come from animals still, but there needs to be another way to get cloth that isn't from animals. Bows should be meta for newbies, not something put to the side. Yes, the game is in development, but the game should be in a state where it goes forward and distributes resources the same way it would five years of updates from now. 

    Sry my bad I mean to say leather .Yes you are right .And vro you can kill animal in 3-4 arrows easily.

  3. 3 hours ago, Nyacinth said:


    I think for now getting cloths should be done more difficult because leather Armor is in the last stage of Armor like ( heavy plate Armor or metal Armor in rust ) it shouldn't be easy to make it and  sleeping bag tooo need cloths but for now it's has no use as such . If Dev's make it easy to get cloths it will ruin the game because leather Armor is way tooo tank .

    • Like 1

  4. It's will so soo good if you add  triangle foundation , window , gate and big wall to build compound around the base .

    • Like 3

  5. 3 minutes ago, Catsbit.Care said:

    Is it every time you open the box you are kicked off the server? Or it was just one time 

    Every time( if the glitch happens it's kich me out of the server and if o again join the join it will kich me again and again) I have to restart the game to Solve the glitch

  6. 10 hours ago, Emo Johnny said:


    One issue is this

    If your foundation is destroyed by any means, you cannot put it back In the same place it was before, This also needs to be fixed. 


    also the ability to pick up a storage box etc and move them would be good. 

    Also if we place a wall wrong, it takes 2.5 pickaxe to remove the wall. 

    Destroy option would be nice too.



    Yes , we need this changes

    • Like 1

  7. 1 hour ago, Firestar9990 said:

    don't they already have ladder?

    Hahahhaha vro , not that ladder which is use in making our base .I am talking about ladder which is use to claim walls of enemy base wile raiding them that ladder .Do you get it now or I have to explain you again

  8. 53 minutes ago, Klarc Grefen said:

    Как сделать чтоб появились сервера в списке

    пока такой опции в игре нет, но скоро появится.