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mikee last won the day on July 8 2023

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  1. mikee


    Oma gawd i swear when my childerns childern also die then also this new update wont come
  2. mikee


    Damn once an wise man told "daddy chill"
  3. mikee


    That game is over 5+ yrs old and its for pc just play the mobile version and you will see how fuck*d up it is
  4. mikee


    Broski ive played thia game for almost 2 yrs straight wdym? And lemme tell u rust legacy was pretty messed up too bro they cheated so bad that there were actually hacker hunter who hunted other hackers woth cheats of their own so yea everything has its own up and downs dont worry 🙂
  5. mikee


    Mods crush his skull, thank you
  6. mikee


    just found out that rust legacy (2013-2014) also had cheaters and because of cheaters their player base went from 25k to 5k within a month so for now @Catsbit.Care you are doing a great job just keep maintaing this position there will be hackers no matter what but keep it at a minimum and dont let it go loose you are doing good i mean it!!!
  7. Yo bro can u give me four turrets i can give u the materials for it need it for a trap base and please send me the materials needed to craft it (if you are free if not tell me i dont mind but not today its 11 at night so tommorow)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. mikee
    3. mikee


      Sorry for the delay my phone battery was dead

    4. mikee


      Come now

  8. @Catsbit.Care here me out from research and time ive put, heres what the players and my personal thought you might want to put to your consideration, #1) for monuments its ok the new nuclear plant is good but the loot is dog water the elite crate loot is very bad you can either put guns with half dur or armor with random chances this is good because for the loot many players will be attracted to the monument which can make the nuclear plant a hotspot for pvp #2) you can make random events such as airdrop which can attract the whole server which gives shine to pvp and doesnt make the whole game feel like a walking and jumping simulator make airdrops have loot such as guns,armor,ammo,sometimes even rockets #3)the most important of all make the quantity of ammo larger like 1 gp and 1 metal frag is 4 bullets this is good for solo players and doesnt make it feeling like hitting random things, make the cost of rocket higher like 500 gp and 30 high quality metal or 500 gp and 250 metal frags, with this i dont have to worry about my base getting offline raided within 12 hrs by big clans (as a solo) #4) add attachment to guns such as 4x scope for hunting, silencers, red dot sight, with this we can enjoy this game on differnt types like as roof campers etc(if have spare times can add new guns such as a smg better for mid range) #5)maybe balance the guns and melee system, the hunting rifle used for long range is used in short range this is bad,(make it as a disadvantage to use snipers like that into like cocking the gun every time fired, buff the smg make them use it for short range) maybe add relod animation #6) try to update the game very often like 2 or 3 months,every game has hackers even rust has because they beat the anti system but get banned when new update comes they get banned due to new anti cheats so dont be shameful when theres hacker on servers we can endure them for like a month but please hardwork every creater and player loves your game and hard work if you already are i apologize but if you arent you may start taking your game seriously this is all i have to say for now meet you again best regard by mikee to @Catsbit.Devand catsbit.care
  9. mikee


    Theres moderation time for google and apple store tho theres its stuck i think my prediction the catsbit just didnt gave news that the unity bug had been fixed so it may be on moderation
  10. mikee


    Mate shut up is oxide your life support? Is it your oxygen? Can live without it is it your food? No. So shut up and they arent lying so shut up keep quiet we sre just like you waiting for the update or are we all getting the uodate and you arent no. So be quiet
  11. mikee


    dont just talk to me don't talk to anyone
  12. mikee


    Please let's just not create a toxic environment news players won't like it just ignore him if you can I've already reported him...
  13. mikee


    I am not a admin...just a man giving informayion here and there even if they ban them they will just make another account and come back... heres my suggestion font play the game for the time being you will go insane believe me wait till new upsate comes
  14. mikee


    @SV_PRITAM listen here u dumbass you said im gonna fuck your mom (doggystyle),racist slurs,talked shit bout admins etc you started this you did this to yourself you were careless and here you are got banged by 3 or 4 ppl what did you thought was gonna happen when you said the n word they gonna be like OmG hE sAiD tHe N wOrD no they gonna talk bad too they have their own signficance in their culture the n word is prohibited because the coutry had a dark past you didnt put that in mind so when they talked bad bout ur country what did you thought was gonna happen? Really just forget about this incident and move on we dont want this forum filled in as warzone