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Posts posted by Kigga

  1. Chlen_v_jope teleported into my base and just killed me. Then he killed me over and over and detroyed my stuff and despawned my gear. He is on u.s.13. I got what screen recordings i can grab. 

    Please patch this. He seemed to have come in through the roof as he landed on my head before i started recording. You can also see that he was despawning my stuff near end of clip


  2. I do not understand why there are so many non English speakers in U.S. servers. There is literally about 4 or 5 per lobby that speak English. All else is Russian or Spanish. I can not even communicate with anybody. Also compared to these non U.S. people my ping/lag is tremendous! I am on a commercial 1tb connection so I know it's not me. There is a very blatant advantage for non U.S. players on ALL the servers.