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Everything posted by David

  1. Id:C195B3F1B9FCD816
  2. He is a hacker who puts on and takes off hacks, ban him please I have video the id is 56AA4D0DCD73E04E It won't let me upload the video but I have it recorded
  3. David


    Restablecerán la meza de investigación? Si es así cuando?
  4. 38606CE9F53A8F32 este es su ID pueden revisar bien? Es en el prime #35
  5. Is there any way you can unban me from that account? I plan to buy things in the game but I won't in a few others. This is my main account.
  6. Baneen a este hacker ya lleva varios dias molestando
  7. Hay un hacker que no deja jugar, donde 2 o 3 hackers solo pudieron grabar este
  8. Please, my account has been unfairly banned for supposed "cheating" I have been playing legally for more than 2 years and I have never had problems with my account and now it has been unfairly banned, I love the game and it is my favorite, but the ban? because? It is unfair and the real cheaters are not banned in UNFAIR I request my unban please
  9. David

    they banned me

    I have been unfairly banned for "hacks" I have been playing legally for more than 2 years and now they ban me please remove the ban and on the server us#16 there are many hackers
  10. Tramposo por favor banearlo VID-20221216-WA0001.mp4
  11. Plis ban at hacker memento VID-20221209-WA0007.mp4
  12. VID-20221120-WA0006.mp4
  13. El juego se convirtió en una mierda ya que no prohíben a los hackers que ya no lo jugarán hasta que hagan una prohibición masiva de hackers
  14. Hay muchos hackers en el servidor y no dejan jugar empaz son muchoa y tienen un solo team entre todos tienen antena im kill y no dejan jugar a nosotros los que jugamos 100% legal espero y lean esta nota