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Cmo last won the day on May 2 2022

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  1. Cmo

    Update 0.3.6

    Better work on cheaters no on stupid update I am leaving of this game because cheaters with aim bot kill you every minute.Add admins with special commands (ban) on the server who will playing and ban cheaters . if admins will be bad players will report .
  2. Please fix the damage in body with hunting rifle.Please I can't play.
  3. Cmo

    Technical Issues

    Fix bug with gun please.
  4. Cmo


    New anticheat don't work on cheaters.Cheaters can use cheats free.
  5. I don't know how but, I see cheaters run in wall and start broke something and when I enter in house my cubpoard disappear. After he pick up doors with building hammer. That was and in older version but now cheaters destroy all home with building hammer. It's 100% cheater because he write in the chat he is cheater and run super fast.If I will see it again I film it. My friends also lost home because cheaters.
  6. The update is good but, cheaters can broke the cupboard through the wall and with building hammer pick the doors.I lost my house because this.Can you fix it please.