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  1. Player: FUZE 2013 climbed up two buildings, no stairs, or helicopter. Prior to that base was my 3 story base and he climbed into the window on the second floor, no stairs, just climbed the wall straight up. With his buddy. FUZE 2013 proceeded to raid the base until I confronted him where he tried to kill me but I jumped off a cliff. FUZE 2013 has been a bully to everyone, even the bullies who don’t cheat and I have picture proof. Apologies on the profanity but the kids say way horrible things and I got pissed because he’s hacking. Please help!! Ps love the zombies and pumpkins, I’d love to farm or dig underground like 7 Days to Die but the trees and resource updates are poor compared to the older script.
  2. IGN: hack indio Server: US #1 Proof of hacking:
  3. IGN: loper6 Server: US #1 Proof of Hacking:
  4. I can't copy paste his name. He gets the items inside the furnace then goes through the wooden wall in the beginning of the video. Server: US #1 @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev
  5. @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev Please ban these hackers: icoe and 裸屌. They are speed hacking. They keep on killing players and going inside someone's bases. In this video, you can see how abnormal they move and they are so fast. Their movement was similar to the other post here. Link of the similar speed hacks: Link of the video: If the proof/evidence is not enough I'll provide more soon.
  6. I play cubic sandbox a lot and I love it but now I’m hating it because there is a glitch or should I say a mod that allows other players to switch the owner stat of a game to themselves and than they kick everyone in the game and you cannot kick the player ether and because you can’t kick them they switch the owner and start to grieving you and than they start saying that it’s there server now and it makes me so mad! can you guys at catsbit ban the usage of mods in game or make it so you can report that player if you do fix this I would be so happy. also as an additional Mention this same glitch or mod is starting to get into Sandbox 3D just figuring you guys might want to know so if your admin is switched you know why.