Oxide 3.5

Cheaper bullets

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In fights, I have to use around 20 bullets just to kill someone, and most of the time, my opponent also spends a lot of ammo. The issue is that crafting bullets costs a lot, and even though I have plenty of resources like 4k GP and 4k metal, I rarely make a profit. Sometimes, I'd like to take long-distance shots, but it takes a whopping 200 bullets to get a kill. Plus, crafting one 5.56 bullet takes 5 seconds. It would be great if we could craft 5 bullets at once, and if they cost less to make, like 1 GP and 1 metal for 5 bullets. Oxide can't compare to Rust, where their bullets are much cheaper, and they get 500 sulfur from one node, whereas we only get 20.

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