CheZee. ebet 0 Posted June 2 Hello, dear developers. Please unpack me in your game Oxide Survival Island. Today, June 2, 2024, I logged into my account, started farming resources and built a house. After that, I studied the revolver and crafted the cartridges for it. Then I ran hunting and killed 2 people at a distance of 10-14 meters. Then I ran back home and on the way I got banned for allegedly Cheating. I've never played with cheats and I don't approve of them. I ask you to look at the topic and unblock me. My server is 15 EU @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Care is not the case.Security ID: I do not know how to view it. please look at the Nickname! Nickname: CheZee. ebet Level: 7, almost 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites