MasterxXx.2. 0 Posted September 14, 2024 The X5 clan on the 45eu server is playing with a multi-acautamin who has cheats in the team! the player with ID 582ACC2A6C2CC64E and the player with ID FCF6DB4A270A5C60 are the same person from different devices! their team 1) E458AB02B59FD73 2) 6B1FD3845CD52F20 ban everyone for having a multi-account with cheats and a cheater on the team! If you don’t block, then everyone will create a second account with cheats! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PingGuard 2 Posted September 16, 2024 Как вы представляете себе потенциальную блокировку игрока без видеодоказательств? Лучше не засаряйте форум, а кидайте 1 жалобу на игрока в самой игре, пользы будет больше, и облегчите всем жизнь. How do you imagine a potential player block without video evidence? Better not to litter the forum, but to throw 1 complaint about the player in the game itself, it will be more useful, and will make everyone's life easier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites