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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    1. Wooden signs (to color, make art, or label with clan tags). Ranging from small -50 wood to craft, medium 100 wood to craft and large signs 200 wood to craft. Maybe make it lockable so no one can color/edit over or just tc accessible. 2. Stone walls (not climb able). 3. More items to buy in the shop (other than just Christmas items) (The wooden signs would be a big hit for sure!) People can craft a ton, make a art gallery or decorate their bases (inside and out). We could hold contests for best art ? ❤ or exchange in game currency (metal/sulfer) for a master artist to paint. The sky's the limit with wooden signs. Thanks for reading. ? ? ?
  2. 2 points
    Inclusive esse mesmo jogador "naosougringo" usa hacker em várias contas. O tempo todo vejo esse mano falando merda. ?
  3. 1 point
    I have noticed that it some time happens due bad internet connection. Rose Try to play some other games like pubg , pubg new state etc and see it you face any problem there if yes you have problem in your internet connection .I have tried pubg new state i was facing connection issue and when my internet got good , i have not face this ad glitch issue.
  4. 1 point
    Yes, I 2nd this. Shit starter axe is shit quality farming with one of these until you get a better axe. And since the update of the workbench now it takes even longer to aquire the good axe. So a 2x server would be dope.
  5. 1 point
    I want you to add items falling out of chests and stoves because when raiding with a rocket, they simply break and loot disappears, this is not profitable. And I would also like different types of machine guns and pp
  6. 1 point
    Mano esse cara fikava na minha base me chamando de macaquinho e macaco fodido isso está me desanimado muito de jogar tanto que hj nem quis jogar mais ok né .
  7. 1 point
    Olha, o jogador cometeu racismo e não foi só nesse momento que eu tirei print. Eu mandei a prova e gostaria que ele fosse banido, em outros jogos os jogadores são banidos por causa disso. Silenciar este jogador não vai fazer com que ele pare de falar frases racistas no chat, se eu fizesse isso eu iria apenas me calar diante de tal ato. Obrigado pela atenção.
  8. 1 point
    Catsbit it is random for me. I have noticed improvement for me over last 2 days so it does not happen as much. A couple of examples: -I'm in base smelting and crafting. I notice my crafting window is bugged to where I can't see countdown or new things I've placed. So I will disconnect from game, close out and reopen. When trying to join it will ad glitch me. Sometimes for hours and hours, sometimes I can get in after a few tries. - I am building, walking, standing etc. The game will crash suddenly and close. I close everything out to rejoin and it ad glitches me for hours. I have a Galaxy s10+ Like I've said, I have noticed improvements the last couple of days. When any of the above and more has happened,I've been able to rejoin after about 3 tries or so. Also when the ad glitching happens, I am able to join any other server, besides the one I'm glitched from. Thank you Catsbit for all your efforts!
  9. 1 point
    Hi, You can always mute this player
  10. 0 points
    Next update will be with bugs fixed (already on moderation)
  11. 0 points
    No support for keyboard and mouse. Developer had said about this. Its not fair for mobile player.