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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Hi, I've been playing the game for approximately 3 months now and I love it and one of the most fun things is the pvp and it's one of the things that is done the most in the game so it would be good if they focus mainly on that for a better playing experience , for example in fixing the damage of the rifle (it does not do damage), the diley that has the bow and the spears (which when pressing the button takes a thousandth of seconds to launch) and that makes it more difficult to aim. It is also good that at the same time they take care of the hackers and then the bugs, but I think that would be the main thing. I know it can take a long time but as soon as possible would be the best to enjoy the game even more. And with regard to the locker, it's fine that they don't want to increase the boxes, but they could increase the maximum number of materials that can enter a locker, instead of 1,000 it could be 2,000, 3,000 or 5,000, but it would be better if the players could be free with it. foundation theme. And finally, it would be nice if there was a tutorial for new people because without one, they may not understand the mechanics and eliminate it. Thanks so much for reading (if you don't understand something, excuse me, I'm using the translator)
  2. 1 point
    Sorry for not enough proof that this guy is hacking but i saw that he used fly hack, speed hack
  3. 1 point
    Fix the damage bug, this only happens with the rifle but not with the bow, every time you shoot someone it's like shooting a rock
  4. 1 point
    I agree. The damage particle was changed to a rock breaking particle. This can be easily changed. But one problem involving hit boxes, is that rifles, and other guns are not hitting body shots. These are 2 common issues. Though, I want to say that the colliders in the terrain and objects need to be fixed. I say this because you can get stuck in between 2 objects and cannot get unstuck. This is a minor problem that might take a while to fix. Just a heads up for new players, don’t jump near 2 close together objects.
  5. 1 point
    ye ive seen that guy before and his a monster
  6. 1 point
    Add horses to travel, barn to hut those, ability to kill others' horses etc.