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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Guard 30% of players die due to network issues,Most of those players play on mobile networks (400+ ping) WiFi (200+ ping) You have added three types of servers in this game but Asia server is not added yet. You said a year ago that we can't add it due to money problem. Now the game has become very popular.And you get ten times more money than before. Don't you have money to release the Asia server yet? Because there are thirty percent of these players who have network problems, their networks are always more than 200ping How much longer will this go on, sometimes when shot, the bullet damage accounting is not done. And if you play on mobile network then forget worst network playing on mobile network 400+ ping And I've seen Europe server players network all the time 17-50ping I hope you will look into our problem and release the Asia server 🤌
  2. 1 point
    На сервере 23ey читак по Нику Google зарейдили нашу базу, он читерил посмотрите сами пожалуйста
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Online or not, if they go there and search for the ID, they'll see if they're using one or not, he's not given permission for a lot of things yet, and they're not sure Can he be made a moderator or not? I know about these because we talked to the developers,Now he's tested and if he does well he'll be made a permanent moderator, and they'll make an announcement. Developer still doesn't give him permission for many things
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    1BDC58A5408057B3 This is not the first time this player has killed with a cheat. But he won’t be banned, I ask him to be banned. https://youtu.be/jvj7YZys23k?si=RwgxYRgXxrsJcy--
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    UPD If you want to report a player for cheating/inappropriate language/etc, please turn on SHOW PLAYERS ID in settings; precise the player nickname&player id; precise the server this player is on; describe the report in detail; send a screenshot or video record. You can attach the record and share youtube video. If your record is long, please precise the timelines. * If you get a -200 error, it means that you record is too large. You can upload the record on youtube and share a link. ** When you attach a screenshot/record, the post stays in pending, it needs moderator approval. *** The reports have to be sent in the topic "Player reports". I do not consider them in private messages. **** If your report is approved but not answered, it means that you haven't accomplished all the requirements above or the cheating is not proved. ***** Please don't forget to report cheaters in the game., because the majority of cheaters are banned there everyday! Thanks in advance for assistance! RU Если вы хотите пожать жалобу, убедитесь, что: вы включили SHOW PLAYERS ID в настройках; уточнили никнейм и id игрока; уточнили сервер, на котором играет читер; описали суть жалобы; приложили доказательства (видео-запись). * Если при добавлении видео на форум, у вас появляется ошибка -200 error, пожалуйста, загрузите видео на youtube и приложите ссылку в вашу жалобу. ** Ваша жалоба должна будет пройти проверку модератором. *** Все жалобы только в раздел Жалобы на читеров. В личных сообщениях мы их не рассматриваем! **** Если ваша жалобы одобрена, но осталась без ответа, это значит, что вы не выполнили условия, описанные выше, или читерство не доказано. ***** Не забывайте подавать жалобы на игроков в самой игре, так как бОльшее количество игроков банится именно там. Спасибо за помощь!
  10. 0 points
    I downloaded this game after few weeks i deleted. fixed my settigns and as soon as i join the game not even i minute a hacker was rushing in my direction....... disconnected and deleted again. just cant make this up.
  11. 0 points
    If you get such an error, please go into settings and press Change nickname. You can change the nickname anytime and for free. Если у вас появляется ошибка Error: wrong nickname, зайдите в настройки и нажмите на кнопку "Изменить никнейм". Вы можете менять никнейм в любое время, данная функция бесплатная.