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About Wartk_Oficial

  • Birthday 05/27/2006

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  1. I'm not understanding these update news. Will the update come out this week? or not? It's hard to understand a developer who doesn't show up and when he does, the news changes all the time.
  2. @Catsbit.Care estou muito ansioso para a atualização! Acha que virá essa semana?
  3. kkk, vocês e suas notícias. Desse jeito vão me matar do coração.
  4. Where's the update? I miss you. And I'm not speaking ironically ? I blew the game just by a little uncalculated thing, you can still save your game by updating, just don't want to.
  5. Come on buddy, we need new stuff.
  6. Para que? se consigo passar das duas.