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Everything posted by Atescope

  1. Yeah on second thought I think it will make the game not fun.
  2. The oxide setting is still limited. I got few ideas to add more settings. -FOV(Field of view) -Control Customize should have a transperent setting (because the control took up lots of space and it would be nice to make them a little transperent) -Aim Assit(because if you check lot of popular game that have fighting with guns or melee they always have a aim assist which is not that overpower it just aim at the enemy a little to help the player bad aim)This wI'll make shooting form long distance better and players will not longer need to kiss their enemy just hit them. ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^
  3. Atescope


    Why is the ping so 😞 bad I can't play.
  4. Atescope

    The farming

    I have some ideas in farming. -Added new plant that give you cloth when you collect it because you can get cloth only by killing animals, it will work like pumpkin that you already made. -Also made new way to collect wood and stone by making it like the pumpkin so you can collect it from the ground but it gives you only some wood or stone.
  5. Atescope

    PvP combat

    Sorry for posting it twice I thought it dint post the first one and I post it again, 😔 sorry
  6. Atescope

    PvP combat

    The Oxide PvP is really not that good here some suggestion; -The crouch button should not be hold, instead it should be on tab to crouch and another tab to uncrouch,this would made things simpler and you can crouch and shoot at the same time. -After jumping there should be a delay before you can jump again because if you look at the PvP now you can see every player is jumping all over the area. -When you shoot a gun without using the aim button it doesn't even make a difference, so you should make it that if you shoot a gun without using the aim button it always doesn't aim in the middle so it would fix the rifle being overpower. -when you melee attack like using a hatchet it very hard to hit an enemy because you have to aim it like gun, so make it have a wider area and a longer distance,so even if you slightly miss it will still count. -You can only do damage using sphere by throwing it, so make the sphere do melee attack if your not aiming and give it a bit more longer distance than other melee. -The run button is really not good white fighting since you cannot do any attack or shooting while running it's really frustrating to stop running just to shot or attack.also fix the run button by making it like other games where their run button you don't just press it but you hover your joystick to it. -and if you can, can you please make a the control customize have a function to have different button have different size. I know that the oxide developers are hard worker and are having trouble with hacker and might not have the time for my suggestion but can you atleast import one of this. xoxox
  7. Atescope

    PvP combat

    The Oxide PvP is really not that good here some suggestion; -The crouch button should not be hold, instead it should be on tab to crouch and another tab to uncrouch,this would made things simpler and you can crouch and shoot at the same time. -After jumping there should be a delay before you can jump again because if you look at the PvP now you can see every player is jumping all over the area. -When you shoot a gun without using the aim button it doesn't even make a difference, so you should make it that if you shoot a gun without using the aim button it always doesn't aim in the middle so it would fix the rifle being overpower. -when you melee attack like using a hatchet it very hard to hit an enemy because you have to aim it like gun, so make it have a wider area and a longer distance,so even if you slightly miss it will still count. -You can only do damage using sphere by throwing it, so make the sphere do melee attack if your not aiming and give it a bit more longer distance than other melee. -The run button is really not good white fighting since you cannot do any attack or shooting while running it's really frustrating to stop running just to shot or attack.also fix the run button by making it like other games where their run button you don't just press it but you hover your joystick to it. -and if you can, can you please make a the control customize have a function to have different button have different size. I know that the oxide developers are hard worker and are having trouble with hacker and might not have the time for my suggestion but can you atleast import one of this. xoxox
  8. Atescope

    PvP combat
