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  1. 1. Баг из-за которого иногда не стреляет винтовка ( она стреляет, но не тратятся патроны и не регистрируется урон) 2. При убийстве животного он может "воскреснуть из того света" и занового ходить и атаковать, но при этом его можно добывать как убитого 3. Убитые животные иногда могут передвигаться "как живые" 4. Когда входишь в наковальню и хочешь починить предмет, то может выкинуть из сервера 5. Не работает микрофон 6. Факел когда кончается у игрока и он не переключает слот, то для всех окружающих игроков факел работает 7. После постройки стен, фундаментов и т.д, когда выходишь из чертежа, чертеж сохраняет функцию постройки и можно случайно что-нибудь построить @HH.Care
  2. 🎮 Здравствуйте! 🌏 Предлагаю добавить в игру 🎮 серверы для PvP (игрок против игрока) 🔫. Также можно ввести функцию настройки китов для PvP 🦐. 🔄 Это позволит вам изучить основы игры, различные техники и тактики, 📈 а также улучшить свои навыки в PvP. 🧠
  3. Atescope

    PvP combat

    The Oxide PvP is really not that good here some suggestion; -The crouch button should not be hold, instead it should be on tab to crouch and another tab to uncrouch,this would made things simpler and you can crouch and shoot at the same time. -After jumping there should be a delay before you can jump again because if you look at the PvP now you can see every player is jumping all over the area. -When you shoot a gun without using the aim button it doesn't even make a difference, so you should make it that if you shoot a gun without using the aim button it always doesn't aim in the middle so it would fix the rifle being overpower. -when you melee attack like using a hatchet it very hard to hit an enemy because you have to aim it like gun, so make it have a wider area and a longer distance,so even if you slightly miss it will still count. -You can only do damage using sphere by throwing it, so make the sphere do melee attack if your not aiming and give it a bit more longer distance than other melee. -The run button is really not good white fighting since you cannot do any attack or shooting while running it's really frustrating to stop running just to shot or attack.also fix the run button by making it like other games where their run button you don't just press it but you hover your joystick to it. -and if you can, can you please make a the control customize have a function to have different button have different size. I know that the oxide developers are hard worker and are having trouble with hacker and might not have the time for my suggestion but can you atleast import one of this. xoxox
  4. Atescope

    PvP combat

    The Oxide PvP is really not that good here some suggestion; -The crouch button should not be hold, instead it should be on tab to crouch and another tab to uncrouch,this would made things simpler and you can crouch and shoot at the same time. -After jumping there should be a delay before you can jump again because if you look at the PvP now you can see every player is jumping all over the area. -When you shoot a gun without using the aim button it doesn't even make a difference, so you should make it that if you shoot a gun without using the aim button it always doesn't aim in the middle so it would fix the rifle being overpower. -when you melee attack like using a hatchet it very hard to hit an enemy because you have to aim it like gun, so make it have a wider area and a longer distance,so even if you slightly miss it will still count. -You can only do damage using sphere by throwing it, so make the sphere do melee attack if your not aiming and give it a bit more longer distance than other melee. -The run button is really not good white fighting since you cannot do any attack or shooting while running it's really frustrating to stop running just to shot or attack.also fix the run button by making it like other games where their run button you don't just press it but you hover your joystick to it. -and if you can, can you please make a the control customize have a function to have different button have different size. I know that the oxide developers are hard worker and are having trouble with hacker and might not have the time for my suggestion but can you atleast import one of this. xoxox
  5. Rus: Предлагаю разработчикам в первую очередь поправить анти-чит! Добавить время за которое ты не можешь выходить из сервера во время битвы. •|• Eng: I suggest that developers first of all fix the anti-cheat! Add the time for which you can't log out of the server during the battle.
  7. dingldongo


    1 I think we should add turrets and traps to oxide it whould make raiding and protecting bases much more fun 2 daily quest which whould contain 3 quests daily for a 5 coins reward 3 buying paid engrams via Coins like : Buggy 100 coins,helicopter 150coins Btw i think those pictures of turet and trap are copyrighted
  8. If the new armor is broken, why not add a broken gun which could also take out new armor easily? The gun suggestions are:- I) Sniper rifle with shots enough to kill a full iron armor set wearing player :- a)Scope + 4 headshots for full iron armor player [Recommended] b)Without scope + 4 headshot for full iron armor player [Good] c)Scope + 3 headshots for full iron armor player [Highly Recommended] d)Without scope + 3 headshots for full iron armor player [Recommended] e)Scope + 2 headshots for full iron armor player [Broken] f)Without scope + 2 headshots for full iron armor player [Broken] Any of these options + suggestion would be great for next update, hope you add a new gun atleast which would be powerful enough to easily take out iron armor except for rocket launchers. Also, the options may change with change in capacity, reloading speed, recoil, stability and power.
  9. Alot has changed from 2020. Nazis and soviets have attacked. A major change I see is rp has fallen. A good side effect is sex servers are down. Despite what most believe, I hate sex servers. I preferred the bars. What we need though is a way to combat people who are in clans. My idea is a armor system, which can be bought and equipped like weapons.
  10. Add more armor and make weapons do more damage also make a bleeding affect for a counter add like bandages or stim another recommendation is to add like supply drops every hour or so and add like a boat and things to do on sea for example like in rust they have oil rig add more weapons the weapons adding is just my opinion you don’t gotta I’m just saying like a cross bow or something love you guys keep up the good work
  11. Make hacking ban able I’m tired of getting shot in the back of the head while I’m scrap farming because a hacker flew over to me don’t just kick them they can join right back make more armor and make like 2x server and higher multiplier servers for people who like fast paced game play also leather armor is over powered for leather add more armor like the hazmat suit from rust but don’t make it look to alike so it doesn’t get copy right and make it cost a lot of scrap and metal and keep up the good work love you guys ? ps. woodenpickle oh and last thing have like admins join servers or have people make servers but it cost money like rust and they can ban hackers so meaning like the people who buy servers can put multipliers and they become admin of that server love you guys again ps. woodenpickle
  12. If you hit or damage a player, you will be in pvp mode or a which you cannot disconnect for a certain ammount of time like 1 minute if that 1 minute is over you can disconnect
  13. Alex9825


    I think it would be nice to get a bit of knockback after being shot.
  14. it would be nice to select a first person mode to add in your server.