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Nelson last won the day on June 29

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  1. Listen blud not to be rude but you got to stop with this non sense you clearly know since the game release they just don't make a list come to forum and tell us what is planned for next update the information is only provided by other sources after an update. RU: Слушай, не хочу показаться грубым, но тебе пора прекратить эту ерунду, которую ты четко знаешь с момента выхода игры, они просто не составляют список, зайди на форум и расскажи нам, что планируется на следующее обновление информации.
  2. Don't worry I told the moderator about it it got added to list on bugs to be fixed coming update so stay tuned for it.
  3. What scrap and other stuff from coins yes. RU: Какой лом и прочая ерунда от монет да.
  4. I don't disagree but the game is already a pay to win and if they do remove one the ways they majorly earn means a lot cannot be done because things like update do require finances as well so they probably won't RU: Я не согласен, но игра уже является платой за победу, и если они удалят один из способов, которыми они в основном зарабатывают, это означает, что многое невозможно сделать, потому что такие вещи, как обновление, тоже требуют финансов, поэтому они профессионалы.
  5. Uhm try looking again you were banned for cheating if you feel like crying go to the unban request forum not this one
  6. Bet it was because the shotgun was low HP or something like that. But the recycler does give half the materials used to make an item so when it has lower HP the materials received after recycling are also lower. RU: Держу пари, что это потому, что у дробовика было мало здоровья или что-то в этом роде. Но переработчик отдает половину материалов, использованных для изготовления предмета, поэтому, если у него меньше HP, материалы, полученные после переработки, перерабатываются.
  7. Actually the heading should be spamming chat kid kept at it 4 straight up minutes can't even chat in peace.
  8. Also concerned on why you ever said that emulators were not prohibited think they should be.
  9. Player ID:20734053F868C199 Supporting cheat links proof displayed on pictures from his chat in game.
  10. Nelson


    Please make it such that looting players in safe zone isn't possible because at times example, when players DC inside safe zone and come back finds lets say about 10 players pvp does cause lagg so the player might end up reconnecting to the server laggs and finds for example an animal gets killed he can't do anything.looses everything which is seemingly annoying and unfair to players being affected by ping issues.
  11. Oh I read it wrong just didn't want to reply was my mistake thinking he called the developers lazy . Thank you for recognizing the ideas from VK I actually do express some of the ideas from Vk because a no. Of players rely on this forum rather than Vk which is highly understandable .
  12. Nelson


    It was just added to decongest the player reports forum because players kept posting nonsensical posts pleading to be unbanned while it's clear on the terms of service that the use 3rd party softwares or to make it simple download modded version of the game then clear actions are taken and cannot be undone so making posts and crying that your sorry is ridiculous and a waste of time . Guys just read the terms of service never ignore this in anything you do to know what exactly you accepted to do. RU: Он был добавлен только для того, чтобы разгрузить форум отчетов игроков, потому что игроки продолжали публиковать бессмысленные сообщения с просьбой разбанить их, хотя в условиях обслуживания ясно, что они используют стороннее программное обеспечение. или, чтобы упростить задачу, загрузите модифицированную версию игры, после чего будут предприняты четкие действия, которые невозможно будет отменить, поэтому писать сообщения и плакать о том, что вы извиняетесь, - это смешно и пустая трата времени.
  13. Bruv u f***ing serious you calling the developers lazy you never been in there shoes see the amount of work they have to deal with and pay they get isn't even enough .You think programming is so easy,you think 3d designing is so easy,you think it's easy solving a million+ issues is so easy and this are just the basics of what has to be done it's so much they struggle to bear it's weight while pple like u just make it worse for them like instead of helping as the community you prefer to sit make posts ordering sh** to be done for you how old are you to start with . Forgive me if you find it offensive or hard to understand English but you got to understand how hard it is being a developer it's stressful to a point some get affected causing mental disorders every where he is he be like is this ok ,did I do this instead of thinking about his/her own life.So I just ask pay a little more but of respect.
  14. Must be a bug then cause an item full HP is supposed to give back half materials used to craft the item and gives less for items that have taken damage or have less HP. RU: Должно быть, это ошибка, потому что предмет с полным HP должен возвращать половину материалов, использованных для изготовления предмета, и давать меньше для предметов, которые получили урон или имеют меньше HP.
  15. Think they intend to keep it as a feature in the game rather than a bug just like how items disappear from a campire or a cauldron after restart. RU: Думаю, они намерены сохранить это как функцию в игре, а не как ошибку, например, как предметы исчезают из костра или котла после перезапуска.