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  1. Bluetherap


    Here is what leandro 100k said but translated to english "there are many bugs in the game and hopefully they can be fixed one of the worst is the vehicles that you get on and you can not get off more, the daily start tells you offline and you play online, the fall from the map enter buildingsthere are many bugs in the game and hopefully they can be fixed one of the worst is the vehicles that you get on and you can not get off more, the daily start tells you offline and you play online, the fall from the map enter buildings" Hopefully this has helped you
  2. I was just stating a fact so sorry if that made you kinda angry somewhat
  3. You do realize that they could just make new accounts on multiple devices and just start over right? But I don't see any real harm that they have done but correct me if I am wrong in anyway you may think I am.
  4. The leader of the SRS clan I think is someone that goes by "UNSEASONED" afy who was this s.r.s. member that was bullying you?
  5. a clan in the game is trying to get me to quit the game or join them by making my friends on here hate me and they are pretending to be me.