Many people give suggestions for future update which are really unique but however, really hard to make into the game. So here are just a few points that arent gonna be much hard to program.
1) friends list: you can add friends through players list in multiplayer and see if theyre offline or online and see the game their playing, singleplayer/multiplayer. Addition to that, its optional if you could make a chat feature in it too.
2) Guns: which you probably are working on, players are requesting new weapons and firearms. Its your choice which one to add to the game.
3) New maps: people want new maps in the game, suggesting a flat map, a map with mountains and snow, and others which people mentioned.
4) Vehicle glitched fixing.
I also really want to add a point of my own.
5) Scale the size up of tables, make it half the size of the couch (furniture section of the inventory). Its REALLY annoying how the table are so short.