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  1. Fuck your mom huyperhug fuck you you loser asshole fix your game are i well rune it whit free cheats and cheaters bich
  2. The account banned by the ban atack not the developers
  3. What you mean you cant help you own the game
  4. Come on pleas unban us this game ban us for no reason
  5. Pleassssss unban my account please please idont use any hack Name:تهت Id:not even seen once
  6. hello catsbit im wna tell you if you can add something that we can see the hili is kickble are not so that can make it esear and not have to remove anti cheats and the server problme when someone gets 2 time eror already login make it that not say join server and make it say disconnect and make something that can ban people whit 2 phons in 1 time runing defrent servers and make ping beter because only my phone is bad my simcard ping is 20 always but in game is 234 -_-fix pleass if you use the hili solution that i give mybe you can gix it and if you allready try it pleas answer me