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  1. @HH.Care Я ждал почти целую неделю!Пожалуйста, ответьте, я устал ждать.ВВЕРХ
  2. Нет, но я не читерил, мой аккаунт был создан несколько лет назад, и я даже не читерил, это была просто ошибка.
  3. Меня забанили за ошибку.Я спускаюсь вниз и меня забанили за читерство? Пожалуйста, ответьте. Id :A12DAAE8A8A587E Имя:YØÓÒÚÙ Lvl: 21 @HH.Care
  4. I try again and again but they do not notice me 😕
  5. Please check my acc what's wrong? I got ban for cheating But i didn't cheat? I was just going downstairs and got ban?! Whats going on dev? A lot of people have this issue..... Id:A12DAAE8A8A587E Name: YØÓÒÚÙ Lvl : 21 Imagine if you are me grinding to reach lvl 21 and got ban by mistake? Just imagine how we hardwork for our acc please take responsibility I've been waiting for 3 days... @HH.Care To all YouTubers please help us... @SudipYT @oxide-player1 @P1TOY @ZEHER RAJA GAMING @OXIDE GOD YT @THEGLAS 2 @Cool Guy @KARUTO @8848 LUFFY @Hamid0428 @fktalkinYT Please help us to reach this to developer...🙏
  6. @HH.Care @DIXON YT @DIXON @OXIDE GOD YT @Sudip YT Oxide- @SudipYT @P1TOY @Welly @ZEHER RAJA GAMING @THEGLAS 2 @rust please help
  7. Hi there dev i have a question When will you be active? In unban request cause i post mine and you do not answer but other people you answer @HH.Care
  8. Bro we are not cheating 😭 we swear its a source of bug 😭 my acc got ban for no reason cause of low ping please my acc was. Lvl 21 if i cheat and get ban i would not go to this site and just start giving up but i get banned for mistake server banned me for using cheats but I didn't cheat all my progress got lost with no reasonss ... Please respondd @HH.Care