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  1. clyd

    unban request

    пожалуйста, мне действительно нужно снова сыграть
  2. @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Guard пожалуйста, разбаньте мой аккаунт, мне действительно нужно снова сыграть на этом аккаунте из-за шляпы ведьмы и котла, которые я купил. Пожалуйста, меня забанили по ошибке. Пожалуйста, ответьте на мой отчет, он мне очень нужен. Разбаньте его, даже если вы можете понизить уровень до 10 и не снимать ведьмину шляпу и котел, пожалуйста.
  3. Can you please fix now the gun bug? because we've been reporting for the whole day and waiting for your response on our reports but you just ignore it for the past few hours.
  4. clyd

    Bug Report

    please can you fix the gun bug now? we really need to go outside the base to do pvp and kill other players
  5. clyd

    Bug Report

    Can you please fix now the gun bug? because we've been reporting for the whole day and waiting for your response on our reports but you just ignore it for the past few hours.
  6. clyd

    Bug Report

    guns are bugging, no sounds and can't kill players also animals, fix it ASAP catsbit, and also can you fix the server signals when it become unstable sometimes its ruining the game
  7. clyd

    bug report

    guns are bugging, no sounds and can't kill players also animals, fix it ASAP catsbit
  8. clyd

    Servers News

    maybe you can fix it asap because so many players were affected and can't play the game anymore. It's hard to play without using anvil, furnaces and campfires because we can't repair and cooked anything except crafting new ones but that is just wasting our resources so maybe you can fix the cooking and repairing issue right away.
  9. i want to report to aimkill players ID: C4E4C499070C0922 ID: 3ECA5A7AFED0E0B8 they were using premium hacks, we tried to report it many times but nothing happens, and also they were members of FL clan in US 1 server which are basically prime players using hacks, i hope you'll ban the given players that were using hacks