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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. Hi, Thank you very much for suggestions. Most of them are to fixed up in the next upgrade.
  2. Hi, Thank you for a suggestion.
  3. Добрый день, Благодарим за Ваши существенные предложения и их полное описание. Большинство поправок Вы увидите уже в следующем обновлении, которое произойдет в ближайшее время.
  4. Hi, Thank you very much for suggestions. Most of them are already taken into consideration. Wait for the update, it is coming very very soon.
  5. Hi, For the moment Save function is working just on Multiplayer mode, however it will be fixed in our future release. Coming soon..
  6. Hi, Thank you for information. Please precise your phone model to test it and fix.
  7. Catsbit.Care


    Hi, Jian Yan Thank you for your assistance on our forum. We are actively working on updates, very close to launch them. You will be among the first to know about them.
  8. Hi, Does the problem with respawning persist? If yes, please precise it in more details.
  9. Добрый день, Для изменения ника необходимо зайти нажать на Play - Multiplayer - Player *** и ввести желаемый ник.
  10. Bonjour, La nouvelle mise à jour sort très bientôt ?
  11. Bonjour, Avez-vous des questions à nous poser?
  12. Catsbit.Care

    Please read

    Hi, We are close to it ?
  13. Hi, To save the map please click Pause Menu - Save map. To access it: Play - Multiplayer - Flexible disc Icon - Saved map (see screenshots below). For the moment Save function is working just on Multiplayer mode, however it will be fixed in our future release. Coming soon.. ? Thank you for suggesting about characters, we will take it into consideration.
  14. Catsbit.Care


    Hi, Please explain your problem in English or French.